Hypoallergenic living and diet for allergic diseases

permitted and prohibited foods for allergies

Dust– this is what allergy sufferers must deal with first. The hypoallergenic method is wet cleaning with ordinary water and a cloth. All horizontal surfaces in the house should be cleaned at least once every 1-3 days.

Vacuum cleaners and their filters. Any filter allows dust to pass through and even more dust comes out through the cracks in the vacuum cleaner itself. The safest cleaning method is with a damp broom, mop and cloth. Allergy sufferers need to completely avoid "dry" cleaning at home. And if that's not possible, trust someone close to you when you go for a walk.

The best option for allergy sufferers is the absence of curtains or their replacement with blinds with metal slats that are easy to clean from dust.

Dust is well retained by mosquito nets and a special filter screen protects you from pollen and other allergenic particles.

The fewer items in the house that accumulate dust (furs, carpets, canopies, curtains, souvenirs, figurines, books, soft toys), the better. It is advisable to store things in closets in special boxes or bags.

Inside, it is preferable to use synthetic fabrics: nylon, polyester, etc. They are more practical: they are not destroyed by light or changes in humidity, they do not rot and are highly resistant to wear. Easy to care for: they accumulate less dust, are easy to wash and clean. And they themselves are not a source of dust and allergens. The most allergenic natural fabrics are wool and fur, as well as natural and artificial materials (viscose, acetate) with fur.

Another risk factor is bedding, as a potential habitat for dust mites, the residues of which can cause serious allergies. It is recommended that instead of the most allergenic filler – "feather" – use hypoallergenic options: holofiber, bamboo, natural latex, etc.

There are special covers with locks that protect bed linen from dust mites. It's best to change bedding once a week and wash it at high temperatures, and clean pillows at least once every six months.

Using a children's bunk bed is dangerous because the child sleeping underneath gets a double dose of "dust" allergens.

Mold control and prevention– an important factor for a hypoallergenic life, because fungi occupy 2nd place, after dust mites, on the list of household allergens and, in most cases, they act together.

If the air in the apartment is dry, more dust accumulates in it and it becomes difficult to breathe, and if there is excess humidity it contributes to the proliferation of dust mites and mold.

Home humidity can be controlled with a special humidifier. "Folk" humidification methods include placing containers with water in the apartment, especially during the heating season, hanging wet towels, especially on radiators. Having an aquarium or indoor fountain in the apartment serves the same purpose. Indoor plants (they must be hypoallergenic), which require daily spraying, also contribute to air humidification.

Pets.Allergies are usually caused by pet waste (particles of hair, fluff, feathers, secretions) and food (e. g. dry fish food). Allergens can persist in a room for more than 2 years from the time a cat, dog, hamster, parrot and other pets no longer live there.

Hypoallergenic diet

The first rule for any allergy sufferer is to avoid contact with the allergen if unpleasant symptoms occur and take the necessary medications. Adjusting the diet in this case significantly improves the condition of an adult or child.

Of course, if there is a food allergy confirmed by clinical diagnostic studies, the doctor prescribes a specialized diet. But there is also a nonspecific hypoallergenic diet approved by doctors. It can be followed regardless of the nature of the allergen (household, insect, medicinal, etc. ) to reduce the burden on the body and speed up recovery. Including atopic dermatitis, which tends to worsen in winter.

Prohibited products.According to the degree of allergenicity, all products can be divided into highly, moderately and slightly allergenic.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude everything fried, smoked, salty and spicy. As well as meat and fish semi-finished products - cutlets, sausages, fish cutlets, sausages, etc. , as they contain a large amount of flavorings and aromatic additives, stabilizers. The preferred cooking method when following a hypoallergenic diet: bake, boil, stew with a minimum amount of oil. Instead of coffee, drink rosehip infusion, weak tea and still water. To control your diet, keep a food diary and write down everything you eat during the day.

Recommended foods

Products to be excluded

Dairy products and eggs.Goat milk. Fermented dairy products (one day): kefir, acidophilus, matsoni, narine, cottage cheese (individually). Butter - younger children 10-15 g, older children - 20-25 g. (preferably melted) Non-spicy types of cheese. Boiled yolk at least 1-2 times a week (individually).

Unleavened cow's milk (including dry and canned), curdled milk, fermented baked milk, cream, sour cream, baby cottage cheese, processed cheese, spicy cheeses, cheeses with spices. Egg (including products containing it: mayonnaise, creams, sauces, some types of bread, sweets). If you are sensitized to mold fungi, exclude kefir, cottage cheese, muffins, kvass and moldy cheeses.

Cereals and dishes made from them. Buckwheat, pearl barley, oats, corn, rice porridge (cooked in water). Pasta (1-2 times a week). To reduce allergenicity, it is advisable to soak the cereal in cold water for 1 to 2 hours.

Semolina and corn cereals, Artek cereals, wheat, rye.

Vegetables (green or white).Potatoes (soaked 10-12 hours). Cabbage (white, cauliflower, fresh). Parsley, dill, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, fresh cucumbers (except greenhouse ones). Cooked carrots (individually). To reduce allergenicity, it is advisable to soak vegetables in cold water for 1 to 2 hours.

Pumpkin, turnip, rutabaga, tomatoes, tomato sauce, radish, sunflower seeds; eggplant, peas, beans, green peas, celery, raw onions, sorrel, pickles, sauerkraut.

Fruits, berries (light color).Green apples, plums, white and yellow cherries, white currants, green pears. Blueberries, blueberries, blueberries, prunes. Older children: currants, cranberries, bananas (individually). Fruits that have been peeled, stored in the refrigerator, roasted or made into jam are less allergenic.

Strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, currants (black, red), cherries. Peaches, apricots, melon, persimmon, grapes, pineapple, mango, papaya, pomegranate, hawthorn. Canned juices and compotes. Citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, etc. ).

Fats.Refined vegetable oil - up to 30 - 40 g (preferably corn or olive oil).

Lard, animal cooking fat, margarine. Fish (red and white, smoked and salted), canned fish. Caviar (red and black). Vinegar, mayonnaise, pepper, mustard, garlic, cinnamon, horseradish, salty foods.

Bread.Bread with bran. White (sugar-free) and black (sugar-free) bread; simple dryers, biscuits, crackers, diabetic biscuits. For older children - homemade yeast pie without eggs, with plums or apples. Apple marmalade. Marshmallows (in small quantities).

Chocolate, chocolate candies, coffee, cocoa, creamy cakes, rich breads and rolls, Tula gingerbread and honey, marshmallows, ice cream. Nuts, halva, honey.

Meat.Meat (steamed, boiled). Rabbit, turkey. Horsemeat. Pork and lamb (lean). Specialized children's canned food. The allergenic activity of meat decreases during freezing and subsequent gradual thawing, soaking and prolonged cooking. Meat from young animals is more allergenic.

Chicken, duck, goose. Chicken, beef, fish, mushroom broths. Pork, lamb (fatty). Calf. Liver, kidneys. Mushrooms. Sausages, sausages, offal, sausages, ham, canned meats. If an allergy to cow's milk is detected, beef, veal and beef liver are excluded from the diet, because cow's milk protein has antigenic affinity with bovine tissue products.

Drinks. Black tea (leaf, no sugar, no flavorings and no fruit additives). Still drinking water. Juices (diluted by 1/3 in boiled water) and compotes from dried fruits and fresh fruits and berries recommended above.

Carbonated drinks. Kvass. Canned food. Food additives (colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, flavors). Bubble gum.

In addition to a hypoallergenic diet, foods rich in histamine or that release histamine should be excluded from the diet of people who suffer from food allergies.

Foods rich in histamine:Pickled herring, strawberries, wild strawberries, peanuts, beans, game, brewer's yeast.

Histamine releasers:Sour cabbage, spinach, pork liver, dry sausages, fermented cheeses, mayonnaise, vinegar.

It is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic diet for at least 7 to 10 days. And if at the end of this period there are no noticeable improvements, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a series of laboratory tests. They will help establish the true cause of the allergy and differentiate it from intolerance.

I hope this information helps you create comfortable and safe living conditions. Be healthy and take care of yourself!