Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days. Menu for every day with recipes, results

Nutritionists offer several weight correction programs: strict, with restrictions on many foods, and light, the so-called "diets for lazy people". The buckwheat diet allows you to quickly obtain the desired result in the form of getting rid of excess fat deposits, which occurs with minimal expenditure of food and time.

The standard weight loss menu is designed for 7 days. Every day you should eat a variety of buckwheat dishes, which saturate the body with carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and remove toxins.

Possible results

The advantages of consuming buckwheat during a diet include its low calorie content and saturation with nutrients valuable for humans. Therefore, those who follow a diet do not feel hungry and the body gradually gets rid of cellulite.

You can eat buckwheat alone for a week or more, but in 7 days you can lose 2 to 5 kg.If the result is not satisfactory (often women strive to lose at least 10 kg of weight), the duration of the diet can be increased.

Woman before and after following the buckwheat diet (1)

The result is surprising: a woman who was on a buckwheat diet discovers that her weight suddenly drops to 48 kg. I lost 8 kg in 3 weeks.

During the diet, the body gets used to a certain nutritional system, and the girl calmly looks at high-calorie foods, pampering herself with vegetables, fruits and low-calorie dishes. However, results vary depending on the condition of the body and initial weight.

Composition of buckwheat

Buckwheat is considered the most suitable for a mono-diet, as it contains proteins, vitamins and microelements.

The content of these components in 100 grams of product is as follows:

  • proteins – 13 g;
  • fats – 3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 60 g;
  • fiber – 10 g;
  • water – 14g.

Buckwheat also includes:

  • vitamins B, E, A;
  • organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic;
  • around 20 micro and macro elements;
  • 8 amino acids that the human body cannot produce.

The calorie content of buckwheat grain is 132 kcal. It surpasses many cereals in protein content and can replace meat protein in nutritional value. Thanks to quickly digestible carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral composition, buckwheat dishes create a feeling of satiety and saturate the body with the necessary energy.

Benefits of losing weight with buckwheat

The buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days is an excellent option for losing a few pounds in just a week. Every day's menu involves eating only buckwheat porridge. Despite the seeming monotony, following a buckwheat diet is much easier than one whose menu includes many dishes from various low-calorie foods.

The advantages of buckwheat nutrition are as follows:

  • Buckwheat grains are rich in fiber, so the body is cleansed - eliminating toxins and unnecessary waste;
  • Spices and salts are excluded from the diet, which improves the condition of the skin: it becomes elastic, returns to a healthy complexion;
  • improves the condition of the nails;
  • vitamin C contained in buckwheat increases resistance to viruses, folic acid makes capillary walls more elastic;
  • Buckwheat is an excellent antidepressant that can relieve nervous tension and stress;
  • Radionuclides are removed from the body, which reduces the risk of cancer;
  • the kidneys and liver are cleansed, cholesterol levels decrease, digestive processes improve and physical resistance increases;
  • Buckwheat porridge can be consumed without restrictions: it is low in calories;
  • the effect of buckwheat mononutrition is felt quickly: in a week you can lose 2 to 7 kg of weight;
  • buckwheat diet - an economical food option, buckwheat and kefir are cheap;
  • simplicity of the diet: you can prepare any dish quickly, there is no need to eat hourly, you can follow the buckwheat diet all day (it is easy to take a small container with buckwheat porridge if necessary).

Women who eat dishes made from buckwheat do not feel fatigue or weakness. On the contrary, every day brings lightness, as the body gets rid of extra pounds. The mono-diet passes calmly, without tension and nervous stress.


Buckwheat is rich in magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron and vitamins. Thanks to this balanced composition, during a diet you can prepare dishes exclusively from this grain, but the simplicity of the buckwheat diet is not suitable for everyone.

You should not follow this diet:

  • patients suffering from high sugar;
  • women expecting a baby and breastfeeding mothers;
  • in case of menstrual irregularities;
  • people with kidney or heart failure;
  • The buckwheat diet is not recommended for people with hypertension or hypotension
  • those who have hypertension and hypotension, stomach problems.

The buckwheat diet may not be suitable for everyone, so weakness and dizziness may occur. Excluding certain components from the diet that are not in buckwheat can lead to the development of vitamin deficiency. People who practice intense physical activity should not get carried away with mono-diets.

Diet options

The buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days is indispensable if you want to look beautiful and slim. The menu for each day can be varied, but the effectiveness of the diet decreases if you do not drink a large volume of water (up to 2 liters) per day - still mineral water or green tea, as well as kefir.

Many options for the buckwheat diet have been developed:

  1. Strict buckwheat dietthe most popular because it allows you to lose 7 to 10 kg in a short time. However, this is a strict diet: you need to give up the usual foods, seasonings and salt. Only steamed cereal and water are allowed.
  2. An easier, but no less effective option -buckwheat kefir diet, which involves the use of steamed greenish-brown buckwheat (grains) and low-fat kefir, necessary to regulate intestinal function. You need 1 liter of kefir per day, which can be drunk separately or mixed with porridge.
  3. Buckwheat with kefir is ideal for a light weekly diet
  4. Buckwheat dietdesigned for those who cannot stand the monotony of buckwheat porridge. With the addition of apples to the diet, the diet becomes easier to follow. For a day you need up to 2 kg of apples. Apples can be roasted and added to porridge.
  5. Healthy apples add great variety to the buckwheat diet
  6. Gentle (medicinal) buckwheat dietcombines lightly salted buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese or vegetables, dried fruits or yogurt. It is acceptable to eat low-calorie foods: cabbage, cucumbers, lean meat. For a therapeutic diet, the main emphasis is not on losing weight, but on strengthening the body.
  7. Buckwheat and vegetable nutrition systemused when you need to consolidate the acquired result. At this time, you can eat any vegetables with porridge, except potatoes and corn.
  8. Buckwheat with the addition of vegetables will consolidate the results of the diet
  9. Combinationbuckwheat porridge with milkhas a double effect. The body receives calcium, vitamins and minerals from milk, and the missing carbohydrates from buckwheat.
  10. To usebuckwheat with lean meat or fishdiversifies the food table, makes it tasty and nutritious. These dishes are also chosen by fans of vegetarian cuisine to make their diet harmonious and balanced.
  11. Buckwheat porridge combined with dried fruitssaturates with vitamins, glucose, necessary for brain activity, and fiber, which ensures the proper functioning of the intestine.

How to cook buckwheat and how much to eat per day

The buckwheat diet for weight loss (follow the menu for each of the 7 days) contains the secret of preparing buckwheat porridge according to a special recipe, which allows you to preserve everythinguseful product elements:

  • 1 Tbsp. washed cereals need to be poured with 2 tbsp. boiling water, salting is not recommended;
  • Wrap the bowl with porridge in a towel and leave overnight. The porridge will swell in the morning.

Nutritionists advise not only to steam buckwheat, but also to boil it.

A new dish can be prepared like this:

  • rinse the cereal, add water, keeping the ratio 1: 2;
  • Place over low heat and cook, keeping the lid open, until the water evaporates;
  • Gather the porridge in a cone and cook on the stove for about 5 minutes;
  • wrap it up and leave it until it swells.

You should not eat more than 250 g of buckwheat. Porridge prepared from this amount of cereal must be divided into 3-4 portions.

Authorized Products

The buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days can be strict. The daily menu consists of dishes made from just one product, buckwheat. A lighter version of the buckwheat diet allows you to include vegetables, fruits and lean meat in the diet. Approximate list of permitted products (energy value is indicated in kilocalories, product quantity 100 g)could be the following:

  1. vegetables:

    • lettuce, celery – 12;
    • cucumbers – 15;
    • pumpkin – 19;
    • eggplant and zucchini – 24;
    • cabbage – 27;
    • mushrooms – 27;
  2. fruits:

    • lemons – 16;
    • grapefruit – 29;
    • oranges – 36;
    • apples – 47;
  3. The list of foods allowed on the buckwheat diet includes apples
  4. milk derivatives:

    • kefir, fermented milk – 40;
    • yogurt – 60;
    • cottage cheese – 76;
  5. meat:

    • veal – 131;
    • chicken or rabbit – 150;
  6. fish– 116;

  7. eggs- 15.

Mineral water, but without gas, herbal teas, black tea, coffee are allowed in the diet.It's a good idea to add squeezed lemon juice to drinks. You can add honey to porridge, despite the fact that it has a high calorie content (328 kcal). It's a good idea to diversify buckwheat dishes with dried fruits.

100 g of dried fruits contains 250-300 kcal, but some berries, which contain only 30-40 kcal, should be added to buckwheat porridge. You can season dishes with vegetable oil and a little onion. Add some variety to your diet and some apples.

What foods should you exclude from your diet?

The buckwheat diet menu for 7 days involves the rejection of many foods and treats.

The list of excluded products will be as follows:

  • any cereals, except buckwheat;
  • flour products, white bread;
  • fatty and high-calorie foods;
  • sugar, salt, spices;
  • fatty meat;
  • smoked sausage;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • butter;
  • milk, cheeses;
  • potato;
  • When following the buckwheat diet, you need to exclude potatoes from your diet.
  • all types of confectionery products;
  • some fruits and vegetables with a sweet taste.

This list includes products that prevent the breakdown of fats and the removal of unnecessary substances and toxins.

What drinks can you drink?

Question: "What drinks can you drink on a buckwheat diet? " is relevant for those who decide to lose weight.

Those who have experienced the effects of a mono-diet advise:

  1. To eliminate waste and toxins, you need to drink about 2 liters of water a day to get rid of cellulite.
  2. As soon as you want to eat, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon. water, to which you can add a little lemon.
  3. Before lunch you need to drink a glass of water. This is necessary to eat less and feel full faster.
  4. Green tea not only quenches thirst, but also helps you forget about hunger.
  5. You can drink a cup of coffee without honey or sugar.
  6. Tea without sweeteners is a drink allowed on the buckwheat diet
  7. To ensure that your diet goes well, you can drink kefir frequently (you will need 1 liter of low-fat kefir, which should not be mixed with porridge). It is better to eat porridge separately, wash it down with drinking water or herbal infusion, and an hour later quench your thirst with a cup of kefir. It is allowed to replace dinner with a glass of kefir. If you don't have enough willpower to withstand the feeling of hunger, you can drink kefir before bed. This lactic acid drink soothes the stomach and promotes weight loss.

Sample weekly menu

The strict buckwheat diet is popular for those who want to change their figure in the shortest possible time. The presented menu for 7 days is distinguished by a variety of buckwheat dishes.

Day of the week Breakfast To have lunch To have lunch
Monday 100 g of porridge pre-soaked in boiled water overnight steamed chops casserole, glass of kefir
Tuesday pancakes, a cup of kefir porridge with dried fruits glass of kefir
Wednesday steamed porridge with dried apricots porridge with green salad porridge, glass of kefir
Thursday buckwheat bread porridge porridge, apple
Friday porridge, kefir coleslaw, chops a glass of kefir or an orange (apple)
Saturday porridge, half a glass of kefir steamed chops buckwheat casserole, glass of kefir
Sunday pancakes, a glass of kefir porridge with dried fruits glass of kefir

The buckwheat diet with vegetables is very popular. This menu combines the beneficial properties of buckwheat and protein foods with vegetables, which serve as a source of vitamins.

Buckwheat and vegetable diet menu for a week

Day of the week Breakfast To have lunch To have lunch
first vegetable salad, porridge egg, creamy soup the vinaigrette
second porridge, tomato salad vegetable stew dessert made from cottage cheese and fruit
third porridge, roasted pumpkin borscht, boiled fish cabbage stewed with prunes
room porridge, vegetables stew, boiled chicken fillet several baked apples
fifth porridge, cabbage salad with olive oil ear fruit salad
sixth porridge, cucumber salad egg, soup fruit salad
seventh 0. 5 any juice 0. 5 any juice 0. 5 any juice

Diet recipes

The menu for each of the 7 days of the buckwheat diet can be compiled from a large list of recipes for preparing cereals with vegetables. The ingredients can be stewed, steamed or cooked in the usual way. With these methods, vitamins and microelements are preserved in vegetables. Cooking food by frying is not recommended.

Buckwheat porridge with tomatoes is healthy, you can add onions and carrots. The dish is prepared very quickly, turns out juicy and appetizing.

Required products:

  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • small carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 Tbsp. water;
  • garlic clove;
  • a small amount of olive oil (preferably olive oil), dressing.
Buckwheat porridge with tomatoes, carrots and onions in the dietary menu

The cooking process will consist of the following steps:

  • Peel and chop the carrots and onions, as in other usual dishes;
  • heat a small amount of oil or water in a frying pan;
  • fry or sauté vegetables, add chopped garlic clove;
  • peel the tomatoes, chop them, mix with the rest of the vegetables;
  • Wash the buckwheat, put it over the boiling vegetables, add water and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables and chicken is delicious. The calorie content of this dish is 150 kcal. The main thing is to remove the skin from the chicken because it contains a lot of fat and calories.

Required ingredients:

  • cereal – 1 glass;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 Tbsp. I. cream;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • carrots, onions.

Cooking method:

  • the cereal is boiled;
  • In a separate container, beat the egg with the cream;
  • chopped chicken fillet;
  • all components are mixed;
  • chopped onions and chopped carrots must be combined with other semi-finished products;
  • the mixture is placed in a mold, previously greased with olive oil, and placed in the oven (oven temperature - 200 degrees); cooking time is about an hour.

Buckwheat with sauerkraut is also easy to prepare:

  • boil 200 g of buckwheat;
  • onions are fried in oil;
  • 300 g of sauerkraut must be squeezed and cooked over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • add cereals to the cabbage and cook for about 5 minutes;
  • season with herbs.
Those who lose weight on a buckwheat diet can cook buckwheat with sauerkraut

Buckwheat with vegetables in the oven is valuable because all components are roasted, which means they retain all the beneficial substances.

Required products:

  • 1 Tbsp. cereals;
  • carrots, onions and peppers;
  • olive oil, spices;
  • water or broth.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • prepare vegetables: cut carrots into small pieces, peppers and onions into cubes; rinse the cereal;
  • In a heated frying pan, slowly but lightly fry the vegetables, transfer them to a pan;
  • pour in the cereal, pour in the prepared liquid;
  • Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes.

How to suppress the feeling of hunger

The difficulty of the buckwheat diet lies in the need to get used to the feeling of hunger that appears in the first days of the diet.

You won't feel so hungry if you follow the tips below:

  1. Breakfast should be hearty: porridge, buckwheat bread. The body must receive all the necessary substances in the morning to survive 3-4 hours before lunch.
  2. You need to anticipate that there will be cravings, so you need to have fresh fruit, carrots and yogurt on hand.
  3. You can satisfy your hunger with a glass of water and thoughts about food will disappear. Instead of water, you can drink any tea: they have no calories, but they perfectly satisfy hunger and thirst.
  4. Hunger during the buckwheat diet can be stopped with water
  5. Lighted aromatic candles calm the nervous system and make you forget what you wanted to eat.
  6. Intense physical exercise completely eliminates the feeling of hunger and fills you with energy. You don't need to go to a fitness class to do this. Just perform some energetic exercises and swing the hoop.

At night, baths with oils and sea salt help you relax.

How to get off a diet correctly

During the mono-diet period, the body gets used to a certain type of food, then after its end, when the volume of food increases, the menu changes, extra pounds of weight may return again. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the rules for abandoning the diet, the main of which is gradual weaning from buckwheat.

  1. In the first week after the diet, you need to eat frequently; You shouldn't eat more than you want. You need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. 5 to 10 minutes will pass and this condition will disappear.
  2. The diet that existed before the diet needs to be changed. Without fatty foods, eat more vegetable salads, casseroles, cottage cheese dishes, vegetable soups, porridges from various cereals, boiled eggs. You need to steam it, you can stew, bake, boil.
  3. Do not get carried away with sweet juices, drinks, fruits (grapes, bananas).
  4. It is necessary to maintain water balance - you will need 1 to 2 liters of water per day, including tea and coffee in this quantity.
  5. You should forever give up spices and alcoholic drinks that stimulate your appetite.
  6. The time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be approximately the same.
Buckwheat for effective weight loss in a week

The buckwheat diet for weight loss in an accelerated version is designed for just 7 days. You can create your own menu for each day, but it will not be universal. A girl who decides to lose weight will write her menu according to her taste. The results of a mono-diet will depend on the desire to achieve the goal, the woman's willpower and individual characteristics.