Watermelon diet to lose weight - 10 kg less in just one week!

Have you heard about the watermelon diet to lose weight? If not, we recommend you check it out. . .

The active rhythm of modern life, long working hours, lack of sleep, stress. . . All of this has a deplorable effect on anyone's health and especially on their physique. Every year the number of overweight people is constantly increasing and there are more and more people who are dissatisfied with their figure (especially women). One of the main reasons is, of course, poor nutrition. Birthdays, corporate parties, restaurants. . . There are so many goodies out there, how can you resist? Anyone can quit. What to do in this case?

You can try dieting. . . And you don't need to "choke" on dry buckwheat and kefir. . . At the height of the beach season, combine business with pleasure - try losing weight with watermelon. Before starting, make sure that the mono-diet is completely suitable for you. If you tolerate this wonderful product well, feel free to move towards your goal!

Watermelon Diet for Weight Loss

There are several options of this watermelon diet for weight loss, depending on your personal tolerance to food and your desires, you can gradually try one after another, or choose one of those listed below. In fact, the watermelon diet has some similarities with the lazy people's diet. You can try, maybe it will be better for you.

  • Diet #1

    The main food product to consume should, without a doubt, be watermelon. It is necessary to divide large fruits into several doses, no more than 6 per day. You can't eat anything else. To drink - purified mineral water if desired (although watermelons already have enough liquid), green tea. You need to follow this diet for 4-7 days, during which you can easily lose several pounds. And this is already a decent result. You shouldn't test your strength right away, everything is good in moderation.

  • Diet #2

    After successfully following the first diet, you can try the second. This option is suitable for a longer stay under a strict regime - up to 10-12 days. Distinctive features: you should add a few slices of fried rye bread (or bran bread) to the already familiar and beloved watermelon. This will add energy to the body and a feeling of satiety. The drinks allowed are the same as the first option – water, green tea.

The most important secret: you need to not only start the diet correctly, but also finish it. To avoid feelings of discomfort, both moral and physical, it is necessary, within two weeks after eating only watermelon and bread, to include foods with a low fat content in your diet, such as: light vegetable salads, fermented dairy products with a low percentage of fat , cooked chicken or turkey. , cereal porridge, lean fish. A menu of these products should be drawn up for breakfast and lunch, and again watermelon for dinner. To avoid heaviness in the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to consume it no more than 3 hours before bedtime, at a rate of 1 kg per 25 kg of body weight.

The advantages of the watermelon mono-diet are undeniable:

  • it can be especially appreciated by true lovers of this berry, as it is difficult to immediately convert to a healthy diet, but it is little appreciated;
  • does not drag on for months: within 7-10 days several extra pounds will easily disappear;
  • watermelon is perfect for cleansing and normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • the feeling of hunger will no longer bother you constantly, which happens with most other mono-diets, since the product is rich in useful microelements and saturates the body well;
  • The results of the watermelon diet have been 100% verified by many men and women around the world, with proper nutrition, unnecessary amounts will not return in the future.

Watermelon diet minus 10 kg per week

In fact, this technique cannot be called a diet, but rather a system that allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight. It is worth mentioning right away that its use is contraindicated for people with serious chronic diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system or who suffer from intestinal and stomach ulcers. It is also not recommended to use this system for pregnant women.

The essence of the system is to adjust the diet and switch from high-calorie foods to foods with a minimum of calories. Here you can combine various foods with a minimum fat content with watermelon. The emphasis should be on carbohydrates. There are many of them in cereals. It would be a good idea to consume low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Watermelon in this system is a natural metabolism stimulant, effectively replacing drinking water. After all, everyone will agree that it will be tastier to eat a few slices of watermelon than to drink a few glasses of water. In this case, the effect will be the same.

To get maximum results, you can fast for 1 day by eating exclusively watermelon. Additionally, you can introduce physical exercise into your daily routine, e. g. A set of simple movements in the morning will be an excellent source of energy, activate the body and promote appetite.

You should not immediately strive to meet TRP standards. The load on the body must be applied carefully and increased gradually. As for dosing food, the best way is to take a small bowl with a capacity of no more than 3 tablespoons of porridge and use it as a measuring device. You need to get up from the table hungry, after a while you will feel full.

Rapid weight loss on this diet occurs due to the removal of excess water from the body, which is facilitated by consuming watermelon. This is a process that is not dangerous for a healthy body. There are 2 things to remember:

  1. After rapid weight loss, stagnation often sets in and losing another pound becomes incredibly difficult. You should not torture and torment yourself with diets or serious physical activity. It is necessary to allow the body to get used to the new state, consolidate the success and continue to effectively combat weight;
  2. A diet based on watermelon consumption has a side effect - the need for frequent trips to the bathroom. This creates some inconveniences. Therefore, it is best to use this technique on vacation.

By following these simple recommendations, you can easily get rid of excess weight, which will immediately have a positive effect on your overall well-being.

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon

It is especially important to choose the right watermelon. Unfortunately, not all berry sellers are sincerely afraid of harming their customers, but are only interested in their profits. But don't despair. There are several foolproof ways to test watermelon for harmful chemicals.

  • Method number 1

    Cut a piece of watermelon right down the center and immerse it in a container of cold water. If the water turns dark and the watermelon slice spreads over the entire surface, it is best to discard the fruit. Otherwise, its use can cause nausea, heartburn, vomiting and, in the worst case, severe food poisoning and body poisoning.

  • Method number 2

    Look closely at the appearance of the berry. The pattern should be bright and clear. If you hit a watermelon, the sound of the hit will echo. Never buy a watermelon that has already been cut. You cannot be sure of the cleanliness of the instruments used to cut the berry pit. Also, you absolutely should not buy watermelon out of season. August and October are the most ideal times.

Health benefits and harms of watermelon

  1. Watermelon holds the record for magnesium content, which is very beneficial for the body and combats pathologies of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Only 200 g of berries contain the daily requirement for this microelement.
  2. Folic acid, which watermelons are rich in, helps break down fats.
  3. Berries are low in calories, which is why the watermelon diet stands out significantly among others.
  4. If you know about a disease like anemia, pay attention to watermelon. By consuming this product, you replace the loss of iron, which is found in watermelons, spinach and apples.
  5. Many people don't trust diets because they believe vitamin loss and health problems are guaranteed. However, vitamin C contained in a small piece of watermelon protects the body from colds and illnesses and reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  6. Watermelon is a direct relative of pumpkin and cucumber. During the cultivation process, the berry acquired a rich red color. The brightness of the color depends on the sugar content of the watermelon.
  7. Today, there are more than 1, 000 varieties of watermelons around the world – different shapes, colors and flavors. In addition to the red ones, there are also bright yellow and orange fruits, with white and brown seeds.
  8. Almost 122 kilograms - that's how much the largest watermelon on the planet weighs. He was raised in the USA.
  9. Watermelon pulp is actively used in the preparation of not only desserts, but also various salads. The combinations are the most incredible – with feta cheese, onion, celery and even smoked fish. For lovers of "simple and tasty" dishes, a watermelon "smoothie" recipe is suitable. All you need is seedless watermelon pulp, natural yogurt and ice. Mix the ingredients well in a blender and pour into glasses. Add honey if desired. Serve chilled. Instead of yogurt, you can use skimmed milk.
  10. The whole world knows recipes for jams, preserves, stews and even watermelon rind marmalade. Thus, the berry is completely edible. To prepare marmalade, you need to fill the crusts with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, add a pinch of soda, lemon juice and boil in several portions. Roll the finished marmalade in sugar or coconut flakes. This delicacy will certainly please both adults and children.

How many calories are in 100 grams of watermelon? and 1kg.

Without exaggeration, watermelon can be considered the leader among fruits in terms of calories, or rather, the lack of them. 100 grams of the product contains only 27 calories. Only cabbage, as well as vegetables such as celery and asparagus, can boast a lower value. Even mushrooms have the same caloric value.

Thus, 1 kg. Watermelon pulp contains 270 calories. In this case, a person can eat no more than 0. 8 kg of watermelon at a time. It turns out that this pumpkin can be used as an effective means of losing weight.

Additionally, 100 grams of watermelon contains:

  • Fat – 0. 1g;
  • Protein – 0. 6g;
  • Carbohydrates – 5. 8 g;
  • Liquid – 92. 6 g.

The last indicator is especially important, as it is an excellent means of losing excess weight. By eating watermelon, a person fills the stomach with low-calorie elements and, in fact, water. Due to this, a feeling of satiety is achieved. At the same time, a liquid of organic origin without harmful impurities is an excellent body cleanser. Removes harmful substances - toxins and waste.

The cause of excess weight, along with a sedentary lifestyle, are deposits of harmful elements. They are very dangerous for the digestive tract. They often occupy the intestines and interfere with the normal absorption of nutrients. This interruption triggers the body's defense mechanism, which begins to accumulate adipose tissue, preventing possible exhaustion.

No less dangerous are limescale deposits in the kidneys, which subsequently turn into stones and become a serious problem. The large percentage of liquid contained in watermelon helps remove deposits from the kidneys and activates their work.

It turns out that pumpkin, known since ancient times, is not only a tasty and refreshing delicacy, but also an effective preventive remedy, which will also help you get rid of excess weight.

When choosing watermelon for your diet, you should avoid large fruits

Watermelon, along with its benefits, can be harmful to your health. The reason for this is nitrates, which accumulate in the pulp as the fruit ripens. They enter the structure of the watermelon from the soil. This is the negative effect of fertilizers and toxic substances that stimulate pumpkin growth. Therefore, you should be careful with large fruits like the ones in the photo as they can be dangerous. You should choose small fruits. Also, you should not chase early watermelons, as their ripening was probably stimulated by nitrates.

Well, that's all we wanted to tell you about the watermelon diet to lose weight.